Friday, November 13, 2020

Eliminating greenhouse gas emissions may not be enough to stop global warming -

Eliminating greenhouse gas emissions may not be enough to stop global warming

Even if global greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to zero by the end of the year, new research out of Norway suggests Earth's climate will, after a brief decline in global temperatures, continue to warm through at least 2500.

By 2500, simulations suggest Earth's climate will be 3 degrees Celsius warmer, on average, than it was in 1850 -- even with rapid elimination of human greenhouse gas emissions. Sea levels will be at least eight feet higher, according to the model.

Using data from various IPCC reports, researchers at the BI Norwegian Business School analyzed the relationship between greenhouse gas emission reductions and changes in the global climate between 1850 and the present.

"We then used the resulting set of estimated causal relations -- the causal structure of the model -- to calculate future developments," lead author Jorgen Randers told UPI in an email.

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