Saturday, November 11, 2023

Sate of Emergency Declared on Icelandic Peninsula Over Volcanic Eruption Threat


Sate of Emergency Declared on Icelandic Peninsula Over Volcanic Eruption Threat

The Icelandic Department of Emergency Management said on Saturday it had declared a state of emergency on the Reykjanes Peninsula and ordered the evacuation of the population in the coastal town of Grindavik due to high seismic activity and a subsequent volcanic eruption threat.

The Reykjanes Peninsula, where the world-famous geothermal spa Blue Lagoon is located, has been hit by several earthquakes starting from late October, with the recent strong quakes registered on Wednesday. 

The seismic activity has led to magma accumulating under the town with the possibility of reaching the surface, the Icelandic Meteorological Office said. 

"The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management has declared an Emergency/Distress Phase on the Reykjanes peninsula, due to increased seismic activity. All residents of Grindavik are obliged to evacuate the town," the department said on X.
The evacuation is mainly preventive as there is no immediate danger, the statement read.

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