Sunday, April 24, 2022

Galapagos Islands disaster: Ship sinks off coast leaking thousands of gallons of diesel



The ship sank off the coast of the island of Santa Cruz, academy bay, yesterday.

The Island of Santa Cruz is among the islands that make up the Galapagos archipelago, one of many world’s most ecologically fragile environments. The ship was carrying 47 barrels of diesel when it went down in waters off the coast of the islands that belong to Ecuador.

The ship, known as Albatroz, was owned by the state-run oil firm Petroecuador.

The corporate mentioned a contingency plan had been activated, with containment booms to cease the diesel from spreading and affecting the ecosystem made well-known by Charles Darwin. 


Combustible derramado en Galápagos no representa una afectación importante, dicen autoridades El derrame de combustible en aguas de las islas ecuatorianas de Galápagos, causado por el hundimiento de una embarcación con 2.000 galones de diésel, no representa una importante afectación para el ecosistema de ese frágil archipiélago, indicó el domingo la dirección de la reserva natural.

  Acciones desplegadas por diversas entidades y pobladores "han permitido que el siniestro no represente afectaciones importantes a los ecosistemas insulares y marinos del archipiélago", señaló en un comunicado el Parque Nacional Galápagos (PNG).

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