Sunday, June 06, 2021

Venezia: ripartono le crociere... e le proteste di chi non vuole più le grandi navi in laguna



 Con il decreto legge dell'1 aprile, non potrebbero più passare in laguna.

 Ma finché non sarà trovata un'alternativa in mare, è stata accordata una deroga


 La colère des habitants de la Cité des Doges, face au désastre écologique de ces villes flottantes, ne s'est pas calmée avec les restrictions de voyage.


1 comment:

  1. In March, Venice announced a ban on large vessels, including cruise ships and shipping containers, following concerns from residents over pollution, and underwater erosion of the city's foundations.

    The ban will only come into effect once new terminals are built to allow for new routes around the city centre.

    Some residents took to boats, and lined up in the streets to protest as the first post-Covid cruise ship left the city.

    Other residents welcomed the return of the tourist season, and the jobs it will bring.


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