Saturday, May 29, 2021

Mount Nyiragongo: Why DR Congo fears the explosive power of a lake - BBC News

A sinister threat is lurking beneath a lake near the city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Scientists say underground magma has been flowing toward Lake Kivu since the deadly eruption of the nearby Mount Nyiragongo volcano on Saturday.

An eruption from under the lake could trigger the release of a lethal, suffocating cloud of gas, experts fear.

Known as a limnic eruption, this event poses a rare but potentially catastrophic risk to Goma's residents.

It would be terrible but "no-one would ever really claim they know when or if this is going to happen", science journalist and volcanologist Dr Robin George Andrews told the BBC.

Fearing this and other possible volcanic activity, tens of thousands of people have been told to evacuate Goma, leaving the city eerily deserted....


*** VIDEO : El Gobierno congoleño desmintió que hubiese una erupción de baja intensidad en el volcán Nyamulagira, que es el más activo de toda África y uno de los más peligrosos del mundo; aunque sí se vio una humareda. El miedo está a flor de piel después de que miles de habitantes de la ciudad de Goma fueron evacuados por las alarmas de una posible segunda erupción del Nyiragongo. Algunos huyeron a otra provincia vecina y por los menos 4.000 personas cruzaron la frontera hacia Ruanda.


Lake Kivu

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