Thursday, November 19, 2020

World's most powerful radar telescope at Arecibo will be scrapped -

Arecibo Observatory

The iconic 18-acre radar telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico cannot be salvaged after it was damaged by broken cables and will be demolished, the National Science Foundation announced Thursday.

The damage from cable breaks in August and early November has left the radar dish and surrounding structures unsafe and subject to further collapse at any time, foundation officials said.

"We're actually taking measures to preserve their people and assets to ensure the facility does move forward in some fashion," said Ashley Zauderer, program director in the Division of Astronomical Sciences at the foundation.

Ancillary facilities at Arecibo that also conduct astronomical observations may be salvaged, but the central structure, the large radar telescope, will either fail on its own or be demolished as safely as possible, Zauderer said...

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