Monday, July 22, 2013

H Tepco παραδέχτηκε τη διαρροή ραδιενεργού υλικού από τη Φουκουσίμα

Η εταιρεία που διαχειρίζεται την πυρηνική μονάδα της Φουκουσίμα παραδέχτηκε για πρώτη φορά ότι ραδιενεργό υλικό διαρρέει στον ωκεανό -διαπίστωση που είχαν κάνει επιστήμονες εδώ και μήνες αλλά η διαχειρίστρια Tepco απέρριπτε.
Η Τepco έκανε την ανακοίνωση τη Δευτέρα, μία ημέρα μετά -όπως σημειώνει το Reuters- τις ενδιάμεσες εκλογές για την ιαπωνική Άνω Βουλή.

Τις προηγούμενες εβδομάδες, η ιαπωνική αρχή πυρηνικής ενέργειας είχε αναφέρει ανοικτά πως έχει «ισχυρές υποψίες» ότι ραδιενεργό υλικό έχει διαρρεύσει στη θάλασσα κοντά στην παράκτια μονάδα.

Νωρίτερα, επιστήμονες είχαν αναφέρει πως εντόπισαν ραδιενεργό υλικό σε ψάρια που αλιεύτηκαν σε σχετικά μεγάλη απόσταση από τη Φουκουσίμα. Η Tepco υποβάθμιζε τις αναφορές της ιαπωνικής αρχής πυρηνικής ενέργειας για μόλυνση της θάλασσας, λέγοντας πως χρειάζονταν περισσότερες έρευνες.

«Θέλουμε να ζητήσουμε συγγνώμη για την πρόκληση τέτοιας έντονης ανησυχίας σε τόσο κόσμο, ιδιαίτερα στον κόσμο της Φουκουσίμα» ανέφερε ο γενικός διευθυντής της Tepco Μασαγιούκι Όνο σε συνέντευξη Τύπου τη Δευτέρα. 

Η εταιρεία είχε αναγνωρίσει ότι σε υπόγεια ύδατα γύρω από τη Φουκουσίμα είχε βρεθεί ρεδιενεργό υλικό, αλλά επέμενε πως αυτό δεν αποδείκνυε ότι η διαρροή έχει φτάσει στη θάλασσα.



  1. TEPCO admits Fukushima-1 reactors leak radioactive water to Pacific Ocean...

    The operator of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, TEPCO, has admitted for the first time since March 2011 that crippled reactors continue to leak highly contaminated radioactive waters into the Pacific Ocean.

    TEPCO had previously denied suspicions that contaminated water had reached the sea, despite the fact that levels of potentially cancer-causing radioactive substances present in ground and seawater samples at the plant had soared.

    "But now we believe that contaminated water has flown out to the sea," TEPCO spokesman Masayuki Ono said at a Monday news conference.

    According to Ono, officials suspect that radioactive water leaked from the wrecked reactors, likely seeping into the underground water system before reaching the sea.

    Earlier this month, TEPCO acknowledged that levels of radioactive cesium-134 in a well at the nuclear power plant jumped by 90 times in just three days. The company said the levels were at their highest point since the March 2011 disaster.

    However, the company’s spokesman insisted on Monday that the radioactive water’s impact on the ocean would be limited.

    "Seawater data has shown no abnormal rise in the levels of radioactivity," Ono said.

    TEPCO said that based on water sample tests, the leaks stay near the plant reactors inside the bay.

    The announcement has confirmed alarming concerns addressed by Japan's nuclear watchdog, the Nuclear Regulation Authoirty (NRA). Earlier in July, the organization stated that it “strongly suspected” contamination of ground waters and possibly the Pacific Ocean.

    The head of NRA also said he believed that contamination of the sea has been continuous since the accident in March 2011, when a massive earthquake and tsunami triggered three meltdowns in the Fukushima plant.

    "We would like to offer our deep apology for causing grave worries for many people, especially for people in Fukushima," Masayuki Ono said.

  2. Fukushima : décontamination et nettoyage coûteront cinq fois plus cher que prévu...

    La décontamination et le nettoyage de la région autour de la centrale de Fukushima pourraient coûter jusqu'à 5 800 milliards de yens (44 milliards d'euros), selon une étude officielle, alors qu'une troisième émanation de vapeur a été constatée mercredi 24 juillet au-dessus du bâtiment d'un réacteur.

    Selon l'Institut national des sciences et technologies industrielles, les opérations de nettoyage et de décontamination coûteraient cinq fois plus cher que ce qui était initialement estimé et budgété par le gouvernement.

    "Nous espérons que cette étude aidera à établir des plans de décontamination des forêts et des régions agricoles, et favorisera également le retour des habitants chez eux", indique l'Institut dans son rapport rendu public mardi.

    Le coût chiffré par l'Institut varie selon les scénarios retenus : l'un prévoit le transport et le stockage de sol contaminé en zones agricoles, un autre évoque une hypothèse où la terre des zones contaminées serait simplement retournée.


    Le rapport a été publié alors que pratiquement chaque jour une mauvaise nouvelle arrive de la centrale de Fukushima, et que son opérateur est de plus en plus la cible de critiques ouvertes des autorités. Lundi, après avoir affirmé le contraire, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) a admis que l'eau contaminée par la radioactivité s'était finalement écoulée dans l'océan Pacifique, tout proche de la centrale, soit une semaine après l'alerte donnée par l'Autorité de sûreté nucléaire sur une possible fuite.

    Cette lenteur à admettre la fuite est "extrêmement déplorable", a fustigé mardi le ministre du commerce Toshimitsu Motegi, tandis que le puissant secrétaire général du gouvernement, Yoshihide Suga, a estimé que ce genre d'information grave aurait dû "être révélée rapidement".....

  3. Fukushima radiation levels as high as 2011...

    Water samples taken at an underground passage below the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant contain alarming levels of radiation which are comparable to those taken immediately after the catastrophe.

    According to a Saturday statement by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the tested water contains 2.35 becquerels of cesium per liter, and the radioactive water is now seeping into the sea. The findings were also evident from samples taken within a 50-meter radius around the plant.

    TEPCO’s specialists have hit a wall trying to solve the problem of the leaking groundwater, which has persisted since 2011. However, unlike then, they cannot tell what the source of the newfound radioactivity is. The current explanation is that the radioactive water that had been left in the underground trench some two years ago is now mixing with the groundwater, which is in turn contaminating the sea.

    The current investigation started back in May, when specialists registered a 17-fold hike in radiation levels compared to December 2012. More tests immediately followed.

    In July, scientists found high tritium levels – 20 per cent higher than just two months before. At the beginning of the month, cesium levels also went up by an astonishing 22 per cent from the previous day. The legal limit of 90 becquerels per liter was exceeded by around 22,000 becquerels.

    On July 10, scientists warned about possible sea contamination, although they had no evidence at the time.

    On Monday, however, TEPCO discovered that radiation levels were rising and falling together with the tide. This has led them to their latest theory - that the leftover trench water from 2011 is indeed mixing with the underground water that flows straight into the Pacific.

    The only theoretical solution at this point is to build a wall of liquid glass between the nuclear reactors and the sea, siphoning off contaminated water from the underground trench.

    Steam has also been seen emerging from one of the damaged reactors on three occasions, sparking further fears about the state of the wrecked plant.

    Meanwhile, TEPCO has had to sustain bad publicity after it was revealed that it delayed publishing the summer study which sparked these newfound fears - which were realized just days after TEPCO reassured the public that the water was safely enclosed. The government has labeled the company’s behavior as “deplorable.”


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