Friday, July 14, 2023

Greece closes Acropolis due to extreme heatwave

Greece will shut the ancient Acropolis for a few hours today to protect visitors to one of the world's most famous archaeological sites from a heatwave enveloping Athens and other countries in southern Europe.
The Acropolis Hill, home to the Parthenon temple that is visited by millions of tourists every year, will be closed from noon until 5pm (local time) today, authorities said.

Greece's meteorological service forecast temperatures peaking at 41C in Athens by midday, but the mercury on the Acropolis Hill that overlooks the Greek capital is usually higher due to its altitude and lack of shade.

Hellenic Red Cross workers handed out bottles of water to tourists forming long queues, and fanning themselves under the shade of olive trees before the Acropolis entrance, before the famed monument was temporarily closed.

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