Thursday, March 05, 2015

Ethiopia dam studies firm to be announced soon (Egypt minister)

An international firm is set to be announced for conducting studies on Ethiopia’s controversial Grand Renaissance Dam following Egypt’s upcoming investment summit.
Egyptian Irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazi, who is in currently in Khartoum for meetings with Sudan and Ethiopia over the dam, said the selected firm will be revealed in Addis Ababa after Egypt’s summit expected on 13-15 March.

An Egyptian delegation headed to Khartoum on Monday to meet with Sudanese and Ethiopian representatives to choose from four international firms to conduct technical studies on the Ethiopian dam, feared to affect Egypt’s water supply.

The three states should have chosen a firm in mid-December; however, the step was postponed several times and some of the firms withdrew.

Egypt fears Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam, of which 40 percent is built, will adversely affect its share of the Nile water. Ethiopia is building the dam on the Blue Nile, the river's most significant tributary, supplying most of its water.

Egypt has pointed out previously some technical concerns over the dam, including its storage capacity, currently set at 74 billion cubic metres.

Egypt will likely need an additional 21 billion cubic metres of water per year by 2050, on top of its current 55 billion cubic metre quota, to meet the water needs of a projected population of 150 million, according to Egypt's National Planning Institute.

The 6,000 megawatt dam, set to be Africa's largest, is expected to be fully completed by 2017.


1 comment:

  1. Accord de principe sur le partage des eaux du Nil...

    (Belga) Les ministres des Affaires étrangères du Soudan, de l'Egypte et de l'Ethiopie ont annoncé vendredi être parvenus à un accord de principe sur le partage des eaux du Nil et le projet de construction du barrage éthiopien Grand Renaissance.

    "Un accord complet a été conclu entre nos trois pays sur les principes de l'utilisation du bassin de l'Est du Nil et le (projet de) barrage éthiopien Grand Renaissance, a déclaré à la presse le chef de la diplomatie soudanaise Ali Karti. Les détails de cet accord seront soumis aux chef d'Etat de ces trois pays pour approbation, a ajouté M. Karti..................


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